Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sentence Sneak Peek - Slice of Cherry

Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves

The first sentence from each chapter of Slice of Cherry, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

*All first sentences are from an ARC I read via Around The World ARC Tours

"Fancy only allowed three people in the whole world to get close to her: Daddy, who was on death row; Madda, who was working the graveyard shift; and Kit, who was dead to the world in the bed next to hers."

"After breakfast," said Fancy, setting the table while Kit sliced fruit at the counter, "let's go to Bony Creek."

"The sisters sat alone in the dark, shuttered living room, crammed together in a huge rocking chair."

"The sisters biked along the road that led into town, on their way to buy new dresses for Juneteenth."

"The sisters sat in Madda's car on Seventh Street before one of the tall, skinny houses that adorned the streets near Fountain Square, a white one with an orange-sorbet trim."

"Ereway inhay the oneymay!"

"Kit burst into the cellar."

"Cherry Glade wasn't much to look at: several acres of flat green land surrounded by elm and maple and pine with a sin-gle dead moontree at its center."

"Fancy snatched "Singin' in the Rain" off the phonograph and whirled it like a Frisbee across the room."

"They stood on the platform in the center of the garden, the statues twice as tall as Fancy, making her feel dwarfed and dizzy."

"Kit picked herself off the cellar floor, her arms wrapped around her body as curls of smoke arose from what was left of her camisole."

"The sisters had to bike around their upsquare neighborhood for two hours before they finally happened upon a villainous situation: Five boys, just a few years older than Kit, were beat-ing up another boy in the parking lot of Wyverly Park, a few miles from their home."

"I can't believe you want us to kill him," Kit said, poking the boy, Mason, in the stomach."

"On Sunday, Madda put on a pair of her good shoes, the black leather ones with the ruby red heels."

"The sisters biked to the address, the kinetoscope propped awk-wardly in Fancy's basket as they twisted down Torcido Road, only a few miles from El Camino Real."

"The sisters made it home fresh and clean and just in time to have breakfast with Madda."

"Madda was so thrilled that Kit was carrying on the family tradition of settling the dead that she made her special red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting."

"As they entered the happy place, the minions whisked the godfather away, and the sisters and Doyle followed after."

"Kit sat at the tea table in a pink slip, flipping through Fancy's sketchbook, a studious frown marring her forehead."

"The happy place was almost unrecognizable."

"As Fancy parked her bike outside the Standard before class, she saw Ilan sitting below the deserted ticket stand."

"Friday, after Mr. Hofstram dismissed them from class, Fancy found herself walking with Ilan."

"Fancy woke up Saturday afternoon, sweating, her hand sore because she was squeezing the pencil she used to write her dreams and it had snapped in half."

"Fancy was lying in bed, snuggling with Bearzilla, sulking about Gabriel, and staring at the ceiling."

"That Friday, after Kit and Gabriel had left on their trip, Fancy was hanging the laundry in the backyard when a police car pulled into the driveway."

"Ilan blinked."

"Kit made it home in time for Sunday dinner."

"The sisters had never been way downsquare before, in the low, swampy area of Portero."


"Kit drove them home from Dog Run in Ilan's Oldsmobile."

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